Friday, March 14, 2008

what do you think about the NY Govenore

I think its totally disgusting that the people of NY elected him and he just turned around and took a big crap on there faith on him.....

now the next thing is that the girl is getting all this publicity.... and they are making to be like its her fault..... its actually his because he should be fighting against all this and he is smack in the middle of it all.... look whos calling the kettle black

Monday, March 3, 2008


if you would like to post my banner on your blog please let me know and
I will send you the link for it.
How many of you out there have joined this Ultimate Blog Party?

This is going to be soo cool, because you will be getting lots of hits on your blog....

i hope the banner comes out... but you must go and check out my other blog for this party......